We study how landscapes influence wild
animal populations from fundamental and applied perspectives.
We conduct fundamental research that tests hypotheses
about how habitat influences the dynamics of animal populations, and
then we work to understand how populations, habitats, and landscapes can
be managed in ways that maximize
important societal values, such as preventing species
extinction, maximizing ecosystem health, maximizing recreational value,
and reducing management cost.
Decision makers in natural resource management are
challenged by complex decisions with great
uncertainty. To help navigate difficult decisions, we work
closely with cooperators and decision makers to use decision analysis
tools (e.g., structured decision making) to improve
shared understanding of problems, objectives, alternatives, and
important trade-offs in the decision. This work often takes a
co-production approach, where we work together as a
group to understand the problem, build science products, and improve
decision-support products in an iterative fashion. End products include
reports, science articles, and dynamic
computer applications that, for example, use predictive
models to estimate how well alternatives might achieve different
objectives during decisions.
Our work is collaborative in nature and we rely on
diverse teams of students, post-docs, scientists,
experts, and decision makers. Together, we create well-rounded teams
that work collaboratively to understand problems, build products, and
communicate actionable science to decision makers.
Click on the bold topics below to toggle
‘Case Studies’ describing examples of our work.
The Wild and Free-roaming Horses and Burros Act (WFRHBA
1971) designates certain populations of feral horses on federal
lands in the western U.S. as ‘wild’ horses and burros. The law also
mandates that these populations must be managed to achieve a sustainable
balance between horse populations and other uses on the landscape
(wildlife, ranching, etc.). Because no predators limit horse and burro
populations in western North America, the populations grow quickly, can
disrupt the sustainability of ecosystems, cause millions of dollars of
annual costs to manage, and frustrate diverse stakeholders who feel that
their interests are not met.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS)
have decision authority for >175 wild horse and burro populations.
Horse population management is a complex issue with multiple competing
objectives related to resulting horse population size, horse handling,
and fiscal costs. To help decision makers understand trade-offs among
alternatives, we worked with staff from the BLM Wild Horse and Burro
Program to co-produce PopEquus, an
online simulation tool for wild horse population management. Users can
specify features of a horse population (e.g., population growth rate)
and simulate 19 management alternatives in a customizable, user-friendly
interface that graphs predicted outcomes related to important metrics.
PopEquus is being used by wildlife managers to support
management decisions for populations of wild horses and burros across
the West, which have important consequences for the management of many
sensitive ecosystems (Folt
et al. 2023).
Central to the challenge of horse population management is that horse
populations grow quickly (e.g., 15–20% increases per year), and
population growth rate is a key input to PopEquus. However,
most studies of this topic date back to the 1980–2000, and we poorly
understand environmental, spatial, or temporal effects on population
growth rates. We worked with BLM staff to analyze 8 years of horse
population estimates from aerial surveys of 35 populations in an
hierarchical population model. We estimated effects of geography,
fertility control treatment, and population density on population growth
rates of horse populations across the West. A manuscript describing
results is ‘in preparation’. These results will help wildlife managers
prioritize populations for management depending on population growth
rate and evaluate the effectiveness of previous management alternatives
(e.g., fertility control treatment).
Populations with high survival, low recruitment rates, and long
generation times (i.e., K-selected species) are often sensitive
to and imperiled when humans influence adult survival. North American
tortoises (Gopherus species) exemplify this challenge. Both the
Gopher Tortoise (G. polyphemus) and Mojave Desert Tortoise
(G. agassizii) have experienced large population declines and
both species are listed as ‘Threatened’ under the U.S. Endangered
Species Act. State and federal agencies (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service;
USFWS) require risk assessments for imperiled tortoise populations
(e.g., population viability analysis) that can assess current and future
extinction risk and evaluate the consequences of management alternatives
on future population conditions.
We worked with the Alabama Dept. of Conservation and Natural
Resources (ADCNR) to evaluate population viability and extinction risk
for Gopher Tortoise populations that experienced different
landscape-scale management over a 30-year period. We found that when
habitat was managed with prescribed fire to achieve open-canopy forest
structure, small populations (20–30 individuals) were stable in
population size over three decades, which refined our understanding of
the species’ minimum viable population size (Folt et al. 2021).
To inform a Species Status Assessment for the Gopher Tortoise, the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service required a regional-scale predictive
model to understand the species’ future population conditions under
scenarios of climate warming, sea-level rise, urbanization, and varying
habitat management. We evaluated range-wide population persistence and
extinction risk and presented this information to decision makers during
the species Reclassification under the ESA (Folt et al. 2022).
Ultimately, the USFWS decided that the species’ listing status did not
require a change and the species remains ‘Threatened’. We have recently
been developing a website application that provides a flexible population
viability analysis tool for gopher tortoises.
We have been involved in a project to integrate long-term datasets
and estimate historical and future population dynamics of the Mojave
Desert Tortoise across the species range. We used a co-production
approach to elicit important threats and management actions, and then
using advanced machine-learning and geospatial techniques to estimate
landscape-scale threat layers. Ultimately, we aim to model population
dynamics as a consequence of past and future threats and management,
with the goal of helping wildlife managers more effectively manage
tortoise populations across the species range.
Wildlife reintrodutions have become a common management strategy to
increase population redundancy for threatened or endangered species. The
Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi) is a federally
‘Threatened’ species under the Endangered Species Act that has
experienced population declines throughout most of its range. The
species is functionally extirpated in Alabama, Mississippi, and the
Florida panhandle, and population re-establishment via reintroduction at
improved habitats in Alabama and Florida was identified as an important
recovery criterion in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Recover Plan
for the species. A captive breeding colony was established at the
Central Florida Zoo, and an expert committee was established to guide
reintroduction efforts. However, experts needed information about how
many individuals needed to be released at release sites to create self
sustaining populations while maintaining positive growth of the captive
population and minimizing cost. The decision maker for these efforts is
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).
As a post-doc, Brian Folt worked with the expert committee and USFWS
to co-produce a population model guiding reintroductions that evaluated
the sensitivity of population viability to the release size (number of
snakes), age (snake age class), and frequency (number of release years)
(Folt et
al. 2019). The decision maker has attempted to follow these
recommendations and efforts have seen signs of reintroduction success in
recent years (e.g.,
hatchling snakes!).
The USFWS reintroduction plan suddenly came under fire when a genetic
study was published suggesting that the Eastern Indigo Snake might
comprise two distinct species and that reintroductions allegedly were
releasing the incorrect species. However, this study relied on a single
genetic marker. To more robustly test this hypothesis, Brian Folt worked
with scientists from multiple agencies to synthesize multiple lines of
evidence (genetic, morphological, and life history), and we found strong
support for there only being one species (Folt et al. 2019, Guyer et al. 2021). This
decreased logistical burden for the decision makers, thereby increasing
likelihood of reintroduction success. To communicate this complex
situation, Brian wrote an op-ed to the local newspaper explaining
reintroduction rationale and the science supporting it (Tallahassee
Decision makers in natural resource management are faced with complex
problems with multiple stakeholders, competing objectives, considerable
uncertainty, and limited budgets. We help decision makers navigate
problems using values-focused decision analysis (e.g., structured
decision making), facilitated meetings, and/or analytical methods to
understand trade-offs and evaluate the strength of alternatives (Lawson et al. 2021, Folt et al. 2022).